Monday, January 14, 2013

Upgrading My Dream

"If your vision is not intimidating to you, it is probably insulting to God" - Stephen Furtick

I have been wrestling with the idea of a God-sized dream for my life.  I even struggle with the concept of a God-sized dream.  What is a God-sized dream and how do I go about creating one?

My life outlook and approach has been that of pragmatism.  I hate failure, so I tend to set my goals well within the realm of achievable, and thus probably well short of where they should be set.  Instead of aiming for the bull's eye; I change my goal to just hitting the target, and there bye reduce, or even better eliminate, the possibility of failure.  I move from a dream, to a strategy, to a tick-mark, and then work to convince myself that I am moving along nicely.  Safety over risk; Comfort over adventure; Security over the Unknown.  Trust in myself over trust in God.

To know that He is able to do all things is much easier than trusting that He will do those things in my life.  To hold onto the comforts around me is much easier than opening up to the possibility that my comfort is not a priority in His plan.  It has come to a point where I start throwing road blocks up before I even allow a vision to form.  It is easier to shoot holes in the floor boards of a boat and stay on shore than it is to get out into the water and risk a storm.

My prayer is that I have the courage to let go.  This morning I prayed that He give us a revelation for our lives.  I place our direction, security, and comforts in His plan and trust that He will provide for our needs.  I release my grip on comfort and my perceived safety for the fullness that He can bring to our family.

I am tired of being insulting to God.  I am terrified of what His plan may be for us, but I would rather move fearfully toward obedience and life than cling to the comforts of lifelessness.  I am hopeful that He will give me the dream that I have been too afraid to allow.  I am hopeful that His dream for this family will put us on a path that is more full of life, adventure, and rewards than anything that our path of safety could ever accomplish.

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